Laila Ireland
2 min readSep 11, 2022

Desert Vampire

In ancient times the fallen sons of God stalked the earth with great restlessness filled with wrath for their eternal damnation having been cast out of the Heavens with their leader, Lucifer. The evil legions lusted and seduced the beautiful daughters of mankind. The unholy unions conceived abominations and to them were born the Nephilim; fearsome hybrids derived of demon fathers infesting the world with rampant rage and salacious sins wherein Satan preys, reigning.

The Sons Of Satan

Forbidden the slumber of death until the days of judgment, they have stalked the shadows for millenniums waiting, watching as the sons of disobedience. Their father, the prince of airs sends them forth to torment the souls of men who are made in the image of the Almighty God who exiled them until the hour of their doom. Anguishing were the days when the Messiah, Jesus Christ had walked among men in the flesh teaching God’s great love for his children. They could only writhe, whispering when his birth, death, and Resurrection bestowed upon those who loved him the authority to cast all demons out of their world, binding them captive until the Almighty chose to destroy them forever. Infuriated, they unleash great terror, pestilence, and punishment on those ignorant of this truth.

The Fall Of Fools

The rebellious who refuse the loving commandments of Christ are tormented and destroyed. They are destined to serve in Hell’s fiery furnace; the swine gnashing their teeth while groveling up the disembowelment of those demons that killed them.

Angels And Demons

And so, the wars in the Heavens commence. Angels fight demons to minister to the chosen of the Almighty, the blessed, anointed children dwelling on earth serving the purposes of God for his enduring mercy and great love for mankind. The Kingdom of God rules over all and the blood of His son Jesus Christ redeems all who love him as Lord.

The Infernal Pandemonium

Daring to emerge from the shadows of sorrows desiring to be born again, Marcel the desert vampire of desolation steps out of the darkness defiant, and desperate to be loved.